Book Midwife or Writing Coach

Write your own book with professional guidance
from the Dutch ‘Book Midwife’

In the past several years I have guided dozens of authors while they were writing their books.Whether it is a life story, scientific treaty, family history, children’s book, novel, teaching material, a fantasy, self-help book, or biography, I’ve assisted with all genres. Because of my unique approach, the Pentacle of Creation, it doesn’t matter which genre you are writing.

Some examples of books written with my help - English, German and Dutch coaching available

Book Midwife

The work of a Writing Coach is in a way comparable to the work of a midwife.
You carry your book inside you. You work on your book, assisted by my careful professional guidance as your ‘Book Midwife’, and I help you give birth to it.
I read along, providing compliments and criticism. I help you build up your text by moving, deleting, or adding paragraphs or sometimes even entire chapters. I also give you support during the writing process. As an author, you may encounter writer’s block, negative comments from friends or family, a strange twist in your story, or new discoveries about your subject matter. You might worry about the reactions of those involved in your book, or become fatigued, lack inspiration, or suddenly get disturbing insights into your own life… I will help you through it all.

Share your knowledge through your book

It is hard work to write a book, but you don’t have to do it alone.
Your heart is in your story or in your professional knowledge about your subject matter.
It is an art to find the right words to tell your story in just the right way so your reader will feel equally passionate about your subject.
Allow yourself the benefit of a Writing Coach when you want to share your knowledge, vision, or fantasy with others through a book. It will make your writing easier, better, and much more fun, too!

What to expect

- I help you set up the advance framework for your book, and remind you of your plan when you want to diverge from it. But I also cheer you on if your diversion is for good reasons. After all, it’s your party.

- I make sure that you persist and deliver a beautiful product, even better than you had hoped — one that can be presented to the world by a professional publisher, or in a private publication.

- I’m there for you when you encounter writer’s block and I guide you around it or straight through it, if that is more your style.

- I encourage you to also write the difficult parts, and to exceed yourself and your own writing.

- I’m your professional reader and I’m on your side. Each time you send me a chapter I will return it to you with questions, remarks, tips and cheers in the margins, so you can find the best format for your story.

- For each chapter I offer tips about the structure of your text, such as moving a paragraph or a chapter up or down, recognizing and weeding out repeated or unnecessary words, adding a stronger word or a more forceful paragraph at crucial points in your text. These textual maneuvers will strengthen your book and allow you to become a better writer.

- I assist you at every stage of the writing, from conception to the final period, from the final period through the letter to a publisher and beyond — to thinking with you about the lecture or workshop you might want to combine with your book.

- We will have monthly meetings via Skype, and a weekly (or less often if you prefer) check in through email.

-You will still have to find a native speaker to help you check your book on language issues before publishing!

Your Writing Coach or Book Midwife

Each Writing Coach (or Book Midwife) works in his or her own way, so you should talk with your potential Coach before you commit to being guided by someone. It has to ‘click’ between the two of you. Before we start, we’ll agree on approximately what I can do for you, and you hire me per quarter. If after three months you want to proceed in a different direction, we adjust our agreement or we say good-bye without any hard feelings and you continue with a Writing Coach who is a better match for your needs of that moment.


  • One time consultation €120
  • Three months trajectory €450
  • Ghost writing (you provide the idea and a draft, I write the book) to be discussed
  • Commenting and advising on a single blog €25 - €75